Marine Corps Marathon

The SUDC Foundation is excited for our first ever Charity Partnership with the Marine Corps Marathon!

Why the Marine Corps? Here’s why:

2025 will mark the 50th Anniversary of the Marine Corps Marathon!

“Recognized for impeccable organization on an iconic course managed by the US Marines in Arlington, VA and the nation’s capital, the Marine Corps Marathon is one of the largest marathons in the US and the world. Known as ‘the best marathon for beginners,’ the MCM is the largest marathon in the world that doesn’t offer prize money, earning its nickname, “The People’s Marathon.”

The fundraising minimum for the Marine Corps Marathon is $2,500 per runner. All runners are responsible for paying their own registration fee.

Registration for the Marine Corps Marathon will open on April 7!

Here’s your chance to experience the popular Marine Corps Marathon with TEAM SUDC, CONTACT US for more information and to apply for an entry into the marathon.

Benefits include:
    • Discounted race entry fee
    • Personalized fundraising page via Haku
    • Custom Team SUDC running gear and swag
    • Comprehensive fundraising support
    • Comprehensive training support

Thank you for your dedication to raising funds and awareness, bringing us one step closer to a world free from Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood (SUDC). Your involvement is essential to raising critical funds and furthering our mission—sign up today!

Event Details

Date: October 26, 2025
Start Time: 7:55 AM
Location: Route 110, Arlington, VA
Event Coordinator: Teri Kandel, [email protected]
Required Fundraising Minimum: $2,500
Event Page: Marine Corps Marathon

Goal: $2500

$300 Raised

All funds raised go to support SUDC Research.

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