Ambassador & Teen Ambassador Resources

Welcome to the SUDC Foundation’s Ambassador & Teen Ambassador Program!

Here you will find a collection of resources that will help you prepare for potential media interviews, plan events, learn about additional Ambassador opportunities, and more.

Please make sure you let us know what you are planning so we can help!

My Planned Ambassador Activity

The main goal of the Ambassador Program is to assist the Foundation in achieving priority initiatives as outlined in the 2023-2025 Strategic Plan (included in the SUDC Foundation Information and Messaging Guide). Please be sure your event supports these initiatives. If you are not sure, please submit and our Community Education and Outreach Coordinator will contact you to assist you in planning a successful event. We would love to hear about your ideas as early as possible to best assist you!

My Completed Ambassador Activity

Examples of Ambassador Activities

Now that you have reviewed the above, please contact the Community Education and Outreach Coordinator at [email protected] to get started in your community today.

Thank you for joining our Ambassador Program and help us fulfill our vision of a world without SUDC!

Additional Ambassador Opportunities

A supportive work place can provide meaningful activities while at the same time raise awareness of sudden unexplained death in childhood. Some examples of workplace activities are:

Themed dress down day, wear blue and yellow or jeans on a selected date.
Speak to work colleagues about SUDC during a breaktime or business sponsored breakfast, share resource materials.
Company sponsored team challenge such as a bike ride to a nearby city or a walk around a local park.
Encourage employees to make a $10.00 donation in memory of an SUDC child, include the donation link in employee email signatures.
Payroll Giving, speak to your human resource department about employees making a small donation to the SUDC Foundation through a payroll deduction.

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