Facts & Statistics

Facts About Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood

Facts About the SUDC Foundation

The SUDC Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3). The SUDC Foundation is the only organization worldwide whose purpose is to promote awareness, fund research and serve those affected by SUDC. The SUDC Foundation provides all services at no cost to the people it serves.

How often does SUDC occur?

Due to variations in  investigations and the way deaths are certified- we do not know exactly how often SUDC occurs. This is why the advocacy work the SUDC Foundation does, and the research it funds is so important. Consistency in recording unexplained deaths, improves our understanding of the magnitude of SUDC and allows for appropriate allocation of resources. The best thing we can do, at this time, is estimate deaths due to SUDC by examining the statistics of deaths with “undetermined” causes. This information is displayed below. 

3 Ways We Advocate for Research

We FUND research into the CAUSE(S) of SUDC through grants
(Independent & External)

We ENDORSE research performed by others related to SUDC

We PARTICIPATE in organizational and public research advocacy efforts

SUDC Statistics

SIDS and Undetermined Child Death Rates
Click to Enlarge
Leading Causes of Death
Click to Enlarge
10 Leading Causes of Death in US
Click to Enlarge

Based on the above statistics, 525 children in the U.S. were affected by sudden unexplained death in 2022, occurring in:

children ages of 1-4 years
children ages of 5-9 years
children ages of 10-14 years
teens ages of 15-18 years

How do you explain SUDC to someone?

Thanks to SUDC parent Allison Kramer and the team at Hero4Hire Creative, we have a new tool to help us all raise awareness and explain this little understood phenomenon. In this short, clear and poignant video, Hero 4 Hire Creative manages to capture the facts of SUDC and its raw emotional cost, but somehow still leaves us feeling hopeful and empowered! Thank you to Hero 4 Hire Creative for this incredible holiday gift to the SUDC community!

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